Happy July 4th!

Just a quick post to say “Happy Fourth of July” to everyone! Happy 234th Birthday, USA!!I hope everyone has a great day, filled with fun and safe celebrations. Sadly New Jersey is one of the states that bans personal fireworks, but that doesn’t stop most people from “lighting off a few”. I remember when I was living in Indiana (a state that does not have this ban), I was pretty intrigued by the idea of lighting off fireworks in my own backyard, legally. My friends out there were quite surprised that I’d never even seen any of them before.While living out there, I definitely have some great memories, though. One year I went to my friend Brad’s house for a barbecue with another friend of mine, Joe, who left Brad’s lawn fairly burnt after his gluttonous array of pyrotechnics. I had a few of my own that year, a few Roman Candles and some sparklers, but that was about it. I wasn’t really looking to rival the Macy’s fireworks, but I at least got the experience.Whatever you decide to do today, just make it safe, and enjoy yourselves, and try not to burn the grass. 


Misery loves company


When's the last time you told a complete stranger where you lived?