Now I finally know what I'm allergic to!


I've never been more excited to see a doctor than I was for my appointment this morning with the allergist. 29 years is long enough for these seasonal allergies, which I'm happy to say I'm finally getting under control. I was poked and prodded with the 31 most common allergens for the Northern New Jersey area, and found that I am allergic to Birch and Oak trees, apparently the worst of the trees, cats, and ragweed. There are a few others which I can't recall but those are the biggest. I can go back on antihistamines now, THANK GOD!!!!!!!

I looked at the bottle of medicine before I took my dosage and almost started weeping; like I'd been reunited with a long-lost love. "Oh sweet antihistamines, how i've missed you!" - The stuff she suggested I use is once daily, and a small amount, so it's definitely "the good stuff". We'll see how well it works, but I'm feeling good about the treatment. I'll be starting my allergy shots in the next few weeks, since my vials have to be prepared etc. It'll be difficult to figure out when I'm going to go since it'll be once a week, but I'll figure it out.

Are allergy shots given in the arms or in the ass cheeks? Anybody know?

Apparently I'm not allergic to dogs, but I thought I was. I asked the doc about why I react when a dog is around even if I'm not allergic, and she said it's most likely because the dogs pick up quite a bit of pollen and allergens in their fur, which they bring into the house. Makes sense. So, I could get a dog if I really wanted one (which I don't...I couldn't even afford one if I did), but I definitely can't get a cat. Oh well. No meow meow for me.


Give Props to Your Docs


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