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But Now I'm Back...From Outer Space...

Well, I didn't really go to outer space, but the title seemed too fun to skip...

I just realized that my last posting was from February, and it's now June. That's 4 months; I've even written a post that talked about how I'd been away from the blog for while.

The truth of the matter is that yes, I took a break from creating content.  But, I do want to get back into it, so here I am, getting back into it! Let me bring you up to speed on a few of the highlights since we last spent any time together:

New Job

I am thrilled to say I've moved on from my previous employer. After 12 years, it was time to move on, and I am thrilled to be a part of the company I'm at now. I'm providing IT and Audio/Visual support for a research company, and it's a much better fit for me. Workplace stress is much lower, my colleagues are great people, and I get to utilize my skills both in technical assistance and in audio/visual support.

New Podcast

I know I mentioned recording a podcast for this site; I'm still interested in putting out content for that, but it's purely a "spontaneous" type of thing. The podcast to which I'm referring is one I co-host with my good friend Brian called The Casual Movie Club.  On that podcast, we choose random movies and watch them, critique and discuss them, and rate them on our own blend of criteria. Check out the website, and subscribe if you like. We'd love to have you, since as we always say on every episode, "All are welcome in the Casual Move Club!"


I have been diving here and there; no new certifications to report as of yet. However, I do have my sights set on becoming a Divemaster, so I can teach those who have never dove before the joys and wonders of SCUBA.  I'm up to, I think, 57 logged dives... the fact that I don't know the number means I need to dive more!


With the job switch, I've put cruising off to the side. I'm still very much into cruising, and have one coming up for the end of the year. I'm very excited to be joining the gang from Royal Caribbean Blog on one of their group cruises in December. It's still a ways away, but I always have my cruise countdowns going, since I live to cruise, and cruise to live!

Future Upcoming Content

I miss writing and I miss making videos. What's the solution?

Write more, and make more videos! Just do it!

What a smashing idea. I plan on getting back into writing, and putting out new content on a somewhat regular basis. This is me holding myself accountable to all of you. I turn 38 next week, and my resolution, because who says those are only for new years, is to get back into putting out content. That's my resolution to you. All I can ask in return, is your help in getting folks to read and watch the content I create.I always love feedback, so please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas for blog posts or videos. If you want to know my opinion on something, I'm more than happy to put that out there.For me, creating content is very cathartic,  so I look forward to getting back into it and seeing what the future holds. To those who still read and watch my videos, I will always be grateful for your time spent enjoying my journey with me.