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5-Word Challenges

My best friend Ellen and I have this little game we play, where I'd pick 5 random words and send them to her in a text message. She'd then write back a short story, a poem, or some other literary work involving those 5 random words. The key to the little game is the 5 words have to be used, and they have to make sense in the story, it has to be cohesive.

We've been doing this for years, and I thought it would be fun to dip my hand in the cookie jar of creative writing, hence, I'm going to do 5-word challenges now.

I'm going to utilize the power of the internet for my words, but if you want to send me 5 random words of your own, just send them to me via any means you wish: Facebook message, text message, email, etc. I'll see what I can come up with, and post my creative musings. This certainly could get interesting... :-)

Those of you who read my blog know I enjoy writing about topics that interest me, but I also do enjoy a bit of creative writing. I've never written anything longer than a blog post, but perhaps someday I'll write something a bit longer.

So, without further ado, I'll do my first (hopefully of many) 5-word challenge. I'm going to type "5 random words" into Google, and go with what Google gives me.

I was taken to a site, randomwordgenerator.com. I entered my parameters of "5 words" and was given: band, size, spell, pride, peak

Let's give it a go:

Well, these words sure are random. While I size up my thoughts, I should also make sure I spell everything correctly when I write this little ditty. Thank goodness for spell-check; I take pride in my work. It represents me, my thoughts, my feelings. I'm sharing a part of my life on this blog, and I'm thrilled and truly grateful to have you, my band of readers enjoying the content I provide. Who knows when I'll reach my peak of writing creativity? I think I have a ways to go, but I'm happy with what I've got so far. Practice makes perfect, isn't that right?