New Years Resolutions & A Look Ahead

Normally around this time of year I'd be putting together a slideshow of highlights from the past year. Usually it would involve vacation or diving pictures, and fun events that'd happened throughout the year. This year, I'm going to do something a bit different. Instead of looking back, I'd like to look ahead. But first, let's just take a quick moment to look back.

2019 was an important year for me in that I'd left a company I'd been working with for 12 years. It was the right time to leave, I'd reached the moment where "enough was enough." I'm a lot happier in my new job, working for a company that treats me far better, and is far more flexible with scheduling allowing me to travel more freely. I couldn't ask for a better position. I'm also making practical use of my technical skills in the realm of audio/video production in addition to my technical support experience, so it fills a void my previous employer mocked.

I also became an uncle, which is very exciting. I'm excited to see what opportunities and experiences this will bring. "Uncle John from Texas" - has a pretty nice ring to it, I'd say.

So, let's look ahead: What's in store for 2020?

I want to dive more, and I have plans to start the new year off right by diving in Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, which are the next three stops on the cruise I'm on while writing this blog entry. There will definitely be pictures to follow, since I brought a fairly decent underwater camera setup with me this time around.

Those who know me know that I've always been something of a picky eater. I don't know if this is because of some type of horrific experience as a child, or I just never got around to trying different things when I was younger. Still, being that I'll be celebrating my 39th (almost 40th) birthday in 2020, I'd like to further my palate. So, one of my new years resolutions for 2020 is to try (at least) one new food per month. Anything additional would just be bonus, but I want to be able to have tried new things to further what I like. They say variety is the spice of life, and in the food department I've been keeping things pretty bland. It's been fine for now, but I'd like to, as they say, "spice things up a bit." We'll see how that goes. Hey, maybe I'll blog about it.

I'm also going to continue working on myself in 2020, both physically and mentally. I've realized that I don't take to big changes very well, I have to start small in how I change things to get myself back on the track I should be on. Instead of taking a crazy "cut all bad foods and eat salads starting Jan 1st", which won't work for me, I'm going to take things gradually but steadily. I'm going to start by logging my meals and counting calories, which worked well for me in the past. I'm going to get in more walks, and see how well I progress with that. The "tortoise and hare" story comes to mind; slow and steady wins the race, even though I'm not in a race. This is also my rationale behind trying one new food each month.I know some of my clothing has started to not fit me as well as it used to, so I'm taking that as my impetus to get myself back on track and not be in a position to where I have to shop at Big & Tall stores again. I want to retain the ability to buy clothes where I want, and not be limited to the overpriced stores that cater to us larger-built folk.

It's hard to believe I'm not far off from the big 4-0. It's been quite the journey so far, I'm looking forward to what lies ahead as I turn the big 3-9 in about 6 months. Until then, let's go diving, cruising, and tasting some foods, and I am grateful for everyone that's been a part of my journey and that's taken the time to read about it here.To everyone out there, have a fabulously happy and safe New Year.


Highlights from Dives in the ABC Islands


My Decade Challenge 2009-2019